Thursday, February 24, 2011

Something is coming from Space

The Greatest Transition in the History of Mankind

Written by: Susan Joy Rennison's

Visit her site here:

I was asked to write an article for The Millennium Website by the owner Gary D. Goodwin about my beliefs that we are seeing a dimensional shift and that the rising levels of UFOs actually represent the widespread appearance of another life form. However, I decided to take a different approach and integrate science and metaphysics with astronomical knowledge that has been decoded from mythology, art, architecture and literature about these times. Whilst I was thinking, reflecting and writing, I had a revelation. Information that I already knew somehow became far more poignant and I was completely stunned. For the first time in a very long time, I felt hope for mankind as I realised that humanity was in the process of being given back Paradise. This article explains what this means and how it is going to happen. I have written a step by step argument for intelligent and educated people, because our world is going to radically change, but in a way that I imagine very few have thought about. Due to the revelatory nature of this essay, the question of UFOs almost pales into insignificance, but not really, it seems that we can't have Paradise without them. That's intriguing isn't it? Please read on, this is amazing news.

This essay is available in four parts in .pdf format only.
  • Part 1 Page 1 - 40
    • Introduction
    • Decoding Literature, Architecture, Monuments and Art
    • Keepers of Ancient Knowledge Predict Space Weather
    • The Management of Earth's EM Grid
    • Space Weather And Earth's 'Web of Power'
    • "It's a whole new ball game in space"
    • Extreme Space Weather — Trial By Fire?
    • Magnetars – The Galactic Delivery Service
    • Unorthodox Beliefs & Scientific Reality
  • Right click to save download in .pdf format link

  • Part 2 Page 41 - 68
    • The Evolution of Space-Time
    • Who or What Are 'The Ancestors?'
    • The Return of Paradise
    • The Big Picture Revelation Final Summary
  • Right click to save download in .pdf format link
  • Appendix 1 – Light Phenomena Known By Ancient and Traditional People
    (Not Available Yet)
  • Appendix 2 – References
  • Right click to save download in .pdf format link

1978 scientific paper from NASA Astrophysics Data System , "Is the Solar System Entering a Nearby Interstellar Cloud?"

This is from the 1978 scientific paper provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System entitled, "Is the Solar System Entering a Nearby Interstellar Cloud?"

Page 599, Part VI
[link to]

..."The presence of a nearby cloud might also affect the physical conditions inside the solar system... encounter with a cloud might not only affect nuetrino flux release from the Sun but also have some drastic influence on the terrestrial climate in the next 10,000 years...

...The observations and analyses mentioned here suggest the presence of a very close interstellar cloud which should encounter the solar system in the "near" future. However, the complexity of the interstellar medium is not completely understood, it would not be surprising if the situation is far more complicated than indicated in this paper."

LMAO, and NASA had articles in 23 December 2009 saying that this was a big surprise and that, "Our solar system is passing through a cloud of interstellar material that shouldn't be there, astronomers say."

Then, it is almost an exact quote from the 1978 article, "Their strong magnetic fields could compress the heliosphere even more than it is compressed now," according to NASA. "Additional compression could allow more cosmic rays to reach the inner solar system, possibly affecting terrestrial climate and the ability of astronauts to travel safely through space."

[link to]

The Rabbits Hole
If you knew of a global event that would end the world as we know it would you start to prepare? You have come here for the truth, a truth that at first may not be easy to read or comprehend. If you believe that history repeats itself then you are already on the right track.

This website and presentation is not about prophecies, predictions or propaganda, it’s about the truth. A truth that you and your family NEED to know about. Everything in the presentation is based on facts and knowledge you can find online and in the mainstream media. Do not simply take our word for it, research it for yourself!

This presentation was put together by a guy named Lucus, we all owe him a great debt. He put this information together for free and expects nothing of it then just making people aware of what is coming. At first he just put this information together to show his friends, but then other people started taking notice of the fact findings and started putting the puzzle together.

An event is getting ready to take place, a global event. An event that would catastrophically kill billions of people around the globe. The Bible refers to it as WORMWOOD, others refer to it as NIBIRU, THE DESTROYER, PLANET X. The ancients warned us what signs to look for.

Within this website you will find a VIDEO Presentation that took place at a book store, of the facts that have been put together to prove this event is going to take place. Once you are done watching the video presentation you can then check out the ENTIRE PRESENTATION in HTML format. It contains loads of information and facts about this event, you will need to take a few weeks to go through it all.


Visit the Website Here: The Rabbit's Hole

The Coming - A Boeing Whistle Blowers Warning
A Boeing contractor for NASA warns of a celestial system inbound that will disrupt our solar system. A high probability of global electrical grid collapse.

Available here: Scribd

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